About Us
The Mobile Dentist
Having spent the large part of his career dealing with the special needs of senior dental patients, Dr. Mantoni founded The Mobile Dentist in 1998. He has pursued his interest in improving the dental health of our senior population through expansion of the mobile dentist system, continuing education and research in the field of geriatrics.
The Mobile Dentist’s goal is to work together with residents and facility staff to create an environment of good oral health. We realize that changes associated with aging present challenges to maintaining an oral health program. To a senior faced with physical limitations, a single trip to the dentist can be a frustrating, exhausting ordeal. We want to minimize any difficulties by making our dental services as accessible as possible. We are dedicated to providing a professional, comprehensive dentistry program to aid in the overall well-being of your residents and to preventing poor oral health in the senior community.
The Mobile Dentist is a complete mobile dual-operatory dental office. All general dental services can be provided by this state-of-the-art “dental office on wheels.” Our 30-foot, custom-built coach can provide on-site comprehensive dental treatment using onboard generators, compressors and completely equipped dental operatories.
Thank you for visiting our website! We hope you find it helpful and informative. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments you may have. We look forward to hearing from you!
Phone: (301) 587-7406
E-Mail: dina@themobiledentist.com